So the past twelve months or so have been a bit of a bummer when it comes to travel right?
If like me you like nothing more than to grab your bag and head for the airport to soon-to-be-discovered destinations, you’re probably feeling a bit down right now.
Well hope is on the horizon as countries slowly but steadily make their way of out lockdown, and administration of the vaccine ramps up. This means there’s a good chance that by the end of the year, we just might be in a position to travel.
As soon as that happens Africa should be your go-to destination; whether you’ve been there before or haven’t yet made the trip. Here are 5 reasons why:

Africa hasn’t been as hard hit by the pandemic
Africa been quite sheltered from the spread of Covid 19. The continent as a whole with a population of over 1.3 billion people, has actually had lower death numbers from from COVID-19 than the U.K. alone, which has a population about a 20th of it’s size. Whilst numbers vary across the different regions South Africa which had highest death rate in 2020 – was still 40% lower than the UK.
There isn’t a succinct reason for this, but a number of possible explanations has been suggested such as the median age of Africa, which is about half that of Europe, the potential of pre-existing immunity in some communities and some suggestions around healthier diet and lifestyles. A number of African governments have also been commended for their quick response to the virus, like Cameroon which closed down it’s borders in March 2020 when a number of foreign governments were still thinking this would all fade away. Whatever the reasons are, the benefits to us is that prospect travelling to locations that are still were less impacted by the virus.
Less Travel Restrictions
This is a side effect of the earlier reason. Because the numbers have been much lower in Africa, many countries haven’t really experienced the high level of lockdowns we’ve had in Europe or the US. This means there are hundreds of beachside resorts, wildlife parks and beautiful landscapes just waiting for you to explore. And while there are travel requirements you must comply to – and rightly so – some of the more stringent restrictions such as a covid passport for example are less likely to be introduced early.

Expand your horizons
Africa is a truly unique place to visit. It inspires so many cultures globally through its arts and crafts, folklore and religion, clothing, cuisine, music and language. Geographically it boasts of seven natural wonders; from the Red sea-reef of the coast of Egypt, to Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, the Sahara Desert, the Serengeti Migration, the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania, the Nile river and Okavango Delta in Botswana.
But even more remarkable than these earthly treasures it’s people. Take Malawi for instance, often described as the friendliest country in the world. From the moment you arrive at the airport you are welcomed with a smile. Hospitality and kindness are the takeaways you will leave with following your visit.
Great holiday travel deals
For the financially savvy who keep a careful eye on their wallets, you would have picked up on the impact the pandemic has had on the travel sector. Most of it has pretty much been closed for business these past twelve months. This means that the moment it is safe to travel again there’ll be deals coming out your ears! With that being the case, would you rather save twenty percent of a five hundred pound trip to a neighbouring city, or twenty percent of a two thousand pound trip for the most amazing safari of your life? It’s a no brainer if you ask me.
When you’re ready to check out those deals, there are lots of sites that can help – Skyscanner can help you compare prices to figure out where you want to go. Airlines like British Airways offer package flight and hotel deals. Plus there’s lot of independent travel agents that would jump for joy have you as a client. So shop around and find the right deal for you.

You deserve it
We’ve all had a crazy year and it’s easy to brush it up and settle back into your old routine as soon as that becomes possible. But the reality is; you could use a break. A chance to rediscover who you are and connect with yourself and what you truly want in life. You can’t do that working nine-to-five looking out the same window everyday and doing the same old things. You need to reignite your fire with new stimuli from new places, new food and newly discovered friends so you come back refreshed and ready to take on the world.
About this blog
This blog was written by Sandy, founder of NuTravel Africa and connoisseur of the best African adventures. We’re launching soon! Sign up to be notified when that happens and also to learn exciting new things about Africa and Malawi, our 1st destination.